Archetypes, the principle of synchronicity of C.G. Jung and the phenomenon of periodicity of human history

Magazine “Socionics, psychology and personality psychology», N 5, 1997.

A special class of global synchronistic archetypes is introduced and considered, which influence the historical process on the mental and physical level similarly to the influence of the archetypes of K.G. Jung on the level of human consciousness, which leads to the periodicity and recurrence of a number of historical events. These archetypes can serve as an explanation for the paradox of the coincidence of historical events identified by N.N. Morozov and A.T. Fomenko and mistakenly interpreted by them as duplicates.
Keywords:global synchronistic archetype, history, archeology, chronology, the principle of synchronicity of C.G. Jung, acausality, physics of consciousness, physical structure of historical time.

As is commonly believed, the chronology and sequence of human history over the past 4-5 thousand years, the totality of historical texts, archaeological research and data from auxiliary disciplines, it would seem, do not give grounds to doubt the existence of certain historical events – the ancient and medieval periods of human history. Nevertheless, attempts to revise historical chronology are undertaken from time to time. One of such large-scale attempts can be considered the works of N.N. Morozov [1] and A.T. Fomenko, who developed his ideas using mathematical methods [2, 3, 4]. The main idea of these works is as follows: for a number of events associated with ancient history, there are parallel medieval events, and the time intervals between individual events and their structure significantly correlate with each other. At the same time, the probability of a random coincidence of events and their structure is estimated by A.T. Fomenko as 10-18. Especially this true for the time sequences of reigns of kings and emperors of Ancient Rome, Israel and Medieval Europe up to the 17th century, and some time sequences are repeated several times. The same applies to a number of historical events – such as wars, directions of military campaigns, architectural, scientific, philosophical innovations, etc., which was revealed during the processing of numerical and other material of historical sources. From here, A. T. Fomenko concluded that we only know the recent history of the Middle Ages, and earlier history is a duplicate of medieval events. Thus, according to N. N. Morozov and A. T. Fomenko, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome did not exist in the sense in which we know it, and their archaeological monuments were built in the Middle Ages. The same applies to the time of writing the Bible, etc. Of course, such conclusions caused a sharply negative reaction from historians and archaeologists, since they contradicted a huge array of archaeological and other data.

Thus, there is a paradox: the enormous work carried out by N.N. Morozov and A.T. Fomenko speaks of a statistical dependence of events in ancient and medieval history, but this contradicts obvious archaeological facts. As an example, we can mention the Greek city of Chersonesos, which continuously existed from the 5th century BC to the 12th century on the Black Sea coast, its monuments, inscriptions, architecture, associated with the history of antiquity and the Middle Ages. One could simply declare the identified correlations erroneous and not worthy of attention, as is done by the scientific community. However, another approach is possible. In my opinion, we are not talking about duplicates of historical chronicles, as A.T. Fomenko believes. Such studies show the hidden structure of the development of civilization and the biosphere as a whole, which I was able to discover within the framework of the physics of consciousness [8]. Thus, revealed periodicity of human history can be compared with the phenomenon of manifestation of archetypes by Jung [5] in human consciousness, which are repetitive in nature and manifest themselves in the same way in different people. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the principle of synchronicity, also introduced by C.G. Jung [6] (and supported by W. Pauli), which explains the simultaneity and acausality of the impact of archetypal events on a person, the correlation of mental and physical phenomena occurring both in the consciousness of an individual and in his physical environment. This is confirmed by the aforementioned extremely low probability of random coincidences of identified similar events and facts – 10-18.

As C.G. Jung noted, the archetypes of the collective unconscious change over time, and this explains the rise and fall of cultures and beliefs. However, if Jung’s archetypes that affect a person belong to the collective unconscious, it is logical to assume the existence of special archetypes of synchronistic events, which affect human civilization as a whole, in cultural, material and spatio-temporal aspects, according to the extended principle synchronicity1. The structure of these special archetypes gives rise to the periodicity of historical events., their repeatability is already on other historical material and other levels of development. It was this circumstance that misled N.N. Morozov, and then A.T. Fomenko and his followers, who were not engaged in specific historical and archaeological research. Their references to astronomical data are also unreliable, since they do not allow for unambiguous conclusions.

It is the presence of archetypes and the activation of these archetypes that determine the similarity of historical events, architecture, as well as the semantic closeness of names and terms: this common cultural Eurasian mythological (and, consequently, associated with archetypes) layer, clothed in religious symbols, rituals and buildings, has roots going back to the Paleolithic or Neolithic and the Nostratic basis of languages, which were analyzed by N.N. Morozov and A.T. Fomenko. It is not surprising that similar events in military, religious and cultural life are accompanied by a number of semantically close, and sometimes identically sounding terms and names. Thus, the word “king” is believed to come from the name Caesar. However, long before the birth of Julius Caesar, the word *tsar [7] was used in the Middle East, denoting a ruler. Many similar examples of the manifestation of archetypes can be given. In this particular case, ignorance of the form *tsar and many others led N.N.Morozov and A.T.Fomenko to the idea that the ancient history of the Middle East is either a falsification or a duplicate of medieval events. Thus, N.N.Morozov, based on Assyrian texts, identified Assyria with… Germany of the Middle Ages (!), and the history set forth in the Bible with the history of Italy in the Middle Ages2Meanwhile, we are talking about Nostratic3level of linguistic aspects of global archetypes. However, the action of global historical archetypes diverse and manifests itself not only on the linguistic level, but also on all other levels: social, political, cultural, etc. and is recorded mainly in the information sphere (for example, in the form of historical chronicles). But the material traces of the era recorded by archeology are very different, and this difference is revealed without much difficulty.

Next. Archetypes are changing. Thus, the antique-medieval periodicity disappears from the 17th century, which is possibly connected with a sharp change of archetypes and corresponds to the intensive development of civilization and the industrial-technical revolution.

So, the existence of these special archetypes, generating a complexly organized pattern of synchronistic events, explains a whole series historical phenomena associated with “double” events, and the similarity (even to the meaning of the names of historical figures) of a number of phenomena and their temporal structure in various countries of Europe, Asia Minor and the Middle East. In fact, the structure and action of these archetypes, acting on psychological and physical levels4, defines a complex nonlinear structure of historical time. If the assumptions are correct, then we can talk about the discovery of both a new special class of global archetypes and new laws of historical development.

From a physical point of view, the structure of these special archetypes correlates with the symmetry groups of space-time, which is expressed in the periodic (possibly quantized) structure of historical time [8]. In this case, we can talk about new laws of historical development associated with the existence of a class of global archetypes of historical time and, possibly, about the direction of the historical development of civilization, the biosphere, as well as the Universe as a whole.

  • 1At the same time, Jung’s archetypes are a component (or subsystem) of these global archetypes. To the text
  • 2Texts of consonants without vowels were analyzed – in these cases, archetypes that were mistakenly attributed to duplicates are especially clearly manifested. To the text
  • 3Including Indo-European, Afro-Asiatic, including Semitic, Ural-Altaic and other languages. To the text
  • 4Even a separate human consciousness is capable of influencing physical objects [9]. To the text
  1. Morozov N.N. Christ. – L., v. 1-7, 1921-28.
  2. Fomenko A.T. Critique of the traditional chronology of antiquity and the Middle Ages (What century is it now?). – M., Publishing House of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow State University, 1993.
  3. Nosovsky G.V., Fomenko A.T. New chronology and concept of ancient history of Rus’, England and Rome. Volume 1 – Rus’, volume 2 – England and Rome. – M., publishing house of the educational and scientific center of pre-university education of Moscow State University, 1995.
  4. Fomenko A.T. New chronology of Greece. Antiquity in the Middle Ages. – M., publishing house of the educational and scientific center of pre-university education of Moscow State University, 1996.
  5. Jung C.G. Soul and myth: six archetypes. – K.: State Library of Ukraine for Youth, 1996.
  6. Jung C.G. Synchronicity: the acausal unifying principle. /In the collection C.G.Jung. Synchronicity. – M.: “Refl-book”, K.: “Wackler”, 1997.
  7. Golan A. Myth and symbol. – M.: RUSSLIT, 1994.
  8. Bukalov A.V. Physics of consciousness. – manuscript 1990, in print.
  9. Bukalov A.V. The impact of consciousness on the rate of radioactive decay. // Socionics, mentology and psychology of personality. N 5, 1997.
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