Alexander Valentinovich Bukalov
PhD in psychology, PhD in socionics, Master of Technical Sciences, cyberneticist, physicist, Honorary Doctor of the Institute of Ukrainian-Caucasian Studies of the UANPP.

Founder and CEO
Founder and Director International Institute of Socionics(MIS) – from 1992
Editor-in-chief of the journals published by MIS: “Socionics, psychology and personality psychology”, “Management and personnel: psychology of management, socionics and sociology”, “Psychology and socionics of interpersonal relationships”, “Pedagogy, psychology and socionics of education”, “Physics of consciousness and life, cosmology and astrophysics”, “The Origin of Language and Culture: Ancient Human History”.
Leader in Science
Aleksandr Bukalov is the Chairman of the International Scientific Council on Socionics;
Member of the Academic Council of the International Research Institute of Space Anthropoecology (IRSICA).
He is Organizer and Chairman of the annual International conferences on socionics (since 1991).
He wrote more than 400 scientific and research works and methods in the field of socionics, psychology and management, cultural studies, linguistics, social psychology, as well as physics, linguistics, history, anthropology.
He is the author of a number of books, including the monograph “The Potential of the Individual and the Mysteries of Human Relations”, and textbooks on socionics.

Scientist and researcher
He proposed the concepts of integral socionics (the theory of information metabolism of individual and societal psyche) and ethno-socionics as a generalization of ethno-psychology within the framework of the description of society, ethnicity and state by information models, as well as the psychoinformational space of the ethnicity and its dynamics in the form of a change in development phases (the so-called “law of quadra replacement”, modeling the development of earthly civilization, including within the framework of SETI, with a new solution to the well-known astro-sociological paradox of Fermi.
His scientific interests include modeling of physical processes (superconductivity physics, cosmology, astrophysics, biophysics), as well as quantum models of life, consciousness and the psyche.
Expert, consultant, trainer, teacher
Under the leadership of A.V. Bukalov, experts from the International Institute of Socionics conducted 150 expert and consulting work at enterprises, banks, organizations and firms of various profiles of activity (including 30 enterprises in the Far North) on issues of team building, personnel audit, team coherence, personnel selection and career development. Alexander Bukalov has conducted more than 4,000 individual socionic interviews. Hundreds of students have completed his seminars and trainings on socionics, as well as online courses.