information about
Aleksandr Bukalov’s
More information
about Aleksandr Bukalov’s research
you can find on other sites:
on socionics, psychology, management, as well as history, linguistics, anthropology are in journals published by the International Institut of Socionics on the website of the its Publishing Center
Profile of Alexander Bukalov in this scientific network presents articles, preprints, presentations. It is easy to follow new publications, and there is also an opportunity for discussions and debates.
Research by Alexander Bukalov are also featured on this social network for scientists.

in cosmology, astrophysics, biophysics, and the physics of consciousness and life are on the website of the “Physics of consciousness and life, cosmology and astrophysics” journal. A detailed list of them with links to the full texts is given on website of the Center for Physical and Space Research of the International Institute of Socionics.
Google Academy
Profile of Alexander Bukalov on this service contains the most complete information about all of his publications.
International Institute of Socionics on its channel regularly posts new lectures, reports and interviews by Aleksandr Bukalov. Let’s subscribe!